Really the main reason for starting this blog is to illustrate to some of my clients that it's not all that hard to do and, after all, I advise them to do it if for no other reason than that it will help with their online presence (apparently Google loves bloggers!).
But whenever I suggest it, there is that eye-widening look of panic that accompanies the onset of some imagined stage-fright and you can generally see the range of emotions flashing through their eyes in a matter of seconds, starting with 'that's a GREAT idea'
through 'imagine me, an author'
, 'millions will read my blog'
, to 'but what shall I say?'
, 'omg, I have nothing of interest to say'
and finally ending with 'what if people think I'm boring or weird'
, 'I could NEVER do this'
all of which is then followed by much shoulder-slumping and resigned capitulation...
It's not the same as posting images of your dinner on Facebook or re-tweeting your friend's shenanigans from last night's party. Blogging requires a bit more effort but if you stick to what you know, recount experiences from your day's work or share your knowledge of whatever it is you specialise in, you can't go far wrong.
There are lots of websites out there that will help you become a blogger and many of these will charge you for the honour. Like
, which has some good points to make and if you want to dive really deep into the world of professional blogging maybe you should part with some of your cash and go for it. I didn't and I don't recommend you do it either but there are pitfalls and things only experience will teach you but remember: mistakes made in real time are the best teachers.
So, once you've mastered your fear of becoming an instant celebrity and have decided you have something interesting, exciting, humorous or worthwhile to share, now comes the big one: how do I go about it.
There are many platforms out there, some better than others, free and paid-for. The good news for Island Buro customers is that adding a blog to your website is simple and FREE! And with access to your site using our unique MyIslandBuro editor, you can access, edit and update your blog from anywhere at anytime.
The process couldn't be simpler. Images are easily added, text is automatically spell-checked and the formatting is taken care of by the editor. All you need to do is provide the content. And the jokes...
We'll help you get started, show you how it all works, best practice and all that. After that, it's up to you. Of course, if writing isn't your 'thing' we can arrange a meeting with one of our experienced copy-writers and make the process even less painful!
claim to have 34 compelling reasons why you should start a blog with suggestions ranging from the obvious to the ridiculous. For me, and many of my Island Buro clients, it is mostly about adding another bow to your string. In a world with an ever-increasing amount of data vying for our attention every minute of every day, we all have to find ways of bringing our message to our customers and a blog will certainly help you to do that.
Yes, it does help you to learn new things, think clearer, write better and build your confidence and these are all commendable reasons but more importantly, it sets you apart from your competitors, increases your search ranking and helps to bring your name and your business to the forefront.
Of course, if anyone asks, we're really doing it to change the world, one blog at a time!
Have a wonderfully happy and prosperous 2017!
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